In south Asia, many cafes and clubs hold regular tournaments and they are played by people of all age groups. The queen is one of the most crucial carrom men of this game which consists of maximum points if you score it before the opponent.Ĭarrom is one of the most famous indoor games which has gained much popularity in the middle east and south east countries. Carrom is about striking carrom men into the pockets. The primary objective of this game is to flicking of your fingers by using a striker and putting the carrom men in one of the four corner pockets. One carrom men is red or pink which is the queen. There are 18 carrom men in a total of which nine are white, and nine are black. Carrom is played on a polished square board with small circular wooden pieces known as carrom men and a striker made up of hard plastic. Apart from having a good sense of angles, it requires an excellent concentration and precision. The edge shall be round and plain.Carrom was originated in India in the 18th century. Retrieved from ” https: These shall be drawn so as to touch both the base lines and also the upper base lines of the adjacent side when imaginably extended. The use of powder fwderation be neither excessive nor scanty. In general, all nine white and black carrommen with queen on top are piled at the center.

The game of carrom is believed to have originated from the Indian subcontinent.

The placing of the Queen by the Umpire, in such a situation, shall be final. If demanded, the opponent shall he awarded two additional points. A Foul shall be declared against the offending player as. These shall be drawn so as to touch both the Base lines and also the upper Base lines of the adjacent side when imaginably extended. A player may find out the score from the Umpire only during his turn of play. They are struck by a Striker of standard specification which is larger and heavier. If demanded one additional point shall be awarded. Frames Adjoining the playing surface of the Carom Board there shall be wooden frames with inside curved corners made of Rosewood or any other hard wood wirth good resistance, with a minimum height of 1. Carrom Quick GuideĪ Carrom Board shall be able to have at least three and a half runs of a normally smooth striker of 15 gms weight, when struck with the maximum force, from one of the base lines, to the opposite frame of the Carrom Board. Further, the striking player loses his turn. The lower of these two lines, which shall interntional. A player who gets to score 25 points first within this number of boards will be the winner or a player with maximum points by end of eight boards will be the winner. A Striker, with metal fixed and visible to the eyes, shall not. A penalty shall be imposed as per Rule 63 a.
When rlues is played at a professional level in tournaments, there is only one fixed format, i. Once a protest is recorded and handed over, the play shall continue from where it stopped. There were several companies that made copies of Haskell’s carroms game board. The distance between the base circle on one side and that of the other may be 1. The length of the arrows shall not exceed Carrom Board, when placed on it, shall not be uneven or shaking. In singles, the players sit opposite to each other. There are only eight boards played at the professional level to decide the winner based on points. A variant of carrom is played in South Africa fexeration the name fingerboard Afrikaans: The powder shall not be wet. There are nine black, nine white, and one red queen carrommen on a board. As mentioned earlier, carrom requires a lot of carom, practice, precision, and a good sense of angles. Striker The Striker shall be smooth and round with a diameter of not more than 4. A Carrom Board shall be able to have atleast three. The team that wins the toss gets the opening strike and the two players can decide between them who wants to take the first strike. Retrieved 21 September If the score of the opponent is 22 or more he shall lose the. The Carrom Board, when placed on urles, shall not be uneven or shaking. The maximum number of points that can be scored in a board is 12 only.

The diameter of a Carromman shall not be more than 3. The Transogram Company made a version of Haskell’s game board in the s and called it Skooker. Powered by WordPress and the Graphene Theme. The ICF promulgates International Rules of Carrom (also. Main article: International Carrom Federation. Traditional Asian table game Carrom – comprehensive instructions for friendly play in the rules even though an international regulatory body and several major Masters Games has based the following rules on those from the UK Carrom.